Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Still L E A R N I N G

As you can tell, I obviously did the pictures first THEN couldn't figure out how to write. A Tree of Life, that I have watched and hid behind since in the 6th grade, and an Angel in the Snow :) All in North Carolina:)

Oh My Goodness!

Oh My Goodness!! I'm already back! I've now taken off the background that I had. Even had a picture a few minutes ago. was in an ODD place!! Oh dear....I can tell I have lots to figure out in the blog page world:)))))


Well, It's 2011 and I'm going to try and learn how to BLOG! I don't do facebook but love to read the blogs of others. My mom has been really good at "journaling" through the years. And it looks like the young moms of today are "blogging" as their way of journaling. SO....if I can figure out how to set up this page exactly right.....then I may write another "post" soon:) As you can tell, my background is up, but I really would like something different, BUT can't quite figure out how to change it. Also, the pink little "extra" with the perfect saying....doesn't really match the colors in this background. Design is totally not my expertise, BUT I REALLY DO like to figure out how to change my background:) HOPEFULLY I'll be back soon. AND....wondering what XIV means?????? Between Ken and I, we have FOURTEEN kids, including spouses:)))) Actually might have to change the numbers to XVI......with 2 granddaughters:) As you can tell, I write my thoughts, so please bare with me. brain is going, gotta figure out the perfect title for this blog:)